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OCAT Shanghai, Shanghai, China


08 Apr 2018 - 10 Jun 2018

Exhibition Type


The exhibition On Struggling to Remain Present When You Want to Disappear, brings together immersive video and sound installations as well as photographs. In doing so, the exhibition examines the boundaries where the tangible, the imagined, and the virtual become permeable, and the porousness of these frontiers allows players to break out of traditional societal norms to explore new ways of dealing with their own realities. Forensic Architecture’s 77sqm_9:26min (2017) makes the forensic techniques of investigation and digital reconstruction of a murder public.

Culminating the curatorial fellowship of Wang Dan at KADIST San Francisco, the exhibition was a collaboration between OCAT (Shanghai), the Central Academy of Fine Arts (Beijing), and KADIST.

Images: 77sqm_9:26min Installation at the OCAT Shanghai 2018.

Photo: © Shanghai Pavilion “Virtual and Unpredictable: Resistance is Really Time” Works & Space


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