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MU artspace, Eindhoven, Netherlands


12 Oct 2018 - 11 Nov 2018

Exhibition Type


News apps, videos, podcasts, Twitter feeds, VR: we’ve come a long way since the days of the town crier or the printed press. Submerged in media, we have numerous ways to generate and share stories – literally at our fingertips. So how can we use the power of digital technology, big data, artificial intelligence and social media to create exciting, meaningful content? And how do we engage with the news on a personal level?

To find out, enter The New Newsroom where journalists, technologists, artists and designers investigate innovative formats, analyse the news and present their findings in stimulating visuals and installations. Experience the thin line between journalism and design in the buzzing newsroom set up within the exhibition and make the headlines yourself. Fake, factual, frivolous, fresh, far­-reaching and profound: from 12 October to 11 November, 2018, MU explores the future of news.


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