
Adrian Lahoud

Research Fellow

Adrian Lahoud is an architect, urban designer and researcher. Through private practice, teaching, and doctoral research, he explores the disputed, conflicting and often paradoxical transformation of cities. Adrian has nine years experience teaching in architecture and urban design programs. A regular contributor to academic and mainstream architectural publications, in 2010 he co-edited a special issue of Architectural Design titled Post-traumatic Urbanism featuring Slavoj Zizek. Forthcoming in 2012 are two books, Project for the Mediterranean and Spatial Organization in Architecture and the City, a diagrammatic analysis of experimental architectural and urban design work. His professional experience has moved across a broad range of scales and disciplines including architecture, art, urban design and landscape. Most recently his work has been exhibited at the Prague Quadrennial (2011) and in Korea at the Design Biennale Gwanju (2011) co-curated by Ai Weiwei.