
I.111  The Massacre at Tur Al-Zagh: Al-Dawayima, 29 October 1948

The Massacre at Tur Al-Zagh: Al-Dawayima, 29 October 1948

Date of Incident

29 Oct 1948


Al-Dawayima, Palestine


Exhibition, Media

In Partnership With

Palestine Land Society
In collaboration with Palestine Land Society and working first-hand with Palestinian survivors of the 1948 Nakba, FA has uncovered new evidence related to a major massacre carried out by Israeli forces on 29 Oct 1948 in the village of al-Dawayima.

I.108  'When it Stopped Being a War': The Situated Testimony of Dr Ghassan Abu-Sittah

'When it Stopped Being a War': The Situated Testimony of Dr Ghassan Abu-Sittah

Date of Incident

17 Oct 2023


Al-Ahli Hospital, Gaza City


Exhibition, Media

Commissioned By

On 17 October 2023, a massive explosion at al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza City killed hundreds of civilians sheltering in a courtyard. Together with Dr Ghassan Abu-Sittah, a reconstructive surgeon working in the hospital when the blast occurred, we reconstructed the strike and its consequences.

I.105  German Colonial Genocide in Namibia: Shark Island

German Colonial Genocide in Namibia: Shark Island

Date of Incident

1905 - 1908


Lüderitz, ǃNamiǂNûs, ǁKharas region, Namibia


Exhibition, Human Rights Report, Media

In Partnership With

Ovaherero Traditional Authority (OTA), Nama Traditional Leaders Association (NTLA)
During their genocidal campaign against the Ovaherero and Nama between 1904 and 1908, German colonial troops established five concentration camps across German Southwest Africa. Shark Island, also known as ‘Death Island’, was the most notorious. FA and Forensis worked with descendants of the camp’s victims and survivors to reconstruct this space of trauma, which today faces new threats of erasure.

I.103  The Grenfell Tower Fire: Situated Testimonies

The Grenfell Tower Fire: Situated Testimonies

Date of Incident

14 Jun 2017


Grenfell Tower, North Kensington, London


Citizens' Tribunal, Media

Commissioned By

A coalition of lawyers representing bereaved families, survivors and affected local residents
The Grenfell Tower Fire was a generational tragedy for London and the UK, ultimately claiming 72 lives. Using a technique called 'situated testimony', we produced seven video interviews with bereaved family members, survivors, and nearby residents, aided by a 3D model of the tower and its surrounding environment. These interviews were screened for the first time as part of Grenfell Testimony Week.

I.102  German Colonial Genocide in Namibia: The Hornkranz Massacre

Date of Incident

12 April 1893


Hornkranz, Khomas Region, Namibia


Exhibition, Human Rights Report, Media

In Partnership With

Nama Traditional Leaders Association (NTLA), Ovaherero Traditional Authority (OTA), Forensis
On 12 April 1893, German troops attacked the Nama settlement of ||Nâ‡gâs, also known as Hornkranz, located in present-day Namibia. This was the little-known first chapter in a genocidal campaign against the Nama and Ovaherero that culminated between 1904 and 1908. We worked with descendants to reconstruct the lost settlement and support Nama claims for access to and preservation of the site.

I.98  The Murder of June Knightly

The Murder of June Knightly

Date of Incident

19 Feb 2022


Normandale Park, Portland, Oregon


Exhibition, Media

Commissioned By

June 'T-Rex' Knightly was murdered while preparing to protect a racial justice protest, by a perpetrator inspired by toxic rhetoric from right-wing influencers and politicians. Four others were seriously wounded. False statements by Portland’s police after the attack implied the victims provoked the mass shooting. We worked with survivors to reconstruct the event, and challenge the police account.

I.95  The Pylos Shipwreck

The Pylos Shipwreck

Date of Incident

13 Jun 2023 - 14 Jun 2023


Mediterranean Sea, Greece


Media, Web Platform

Commissioned By

On 14 June 2023, a boat carrying hundreds of migrants sank inside the Greek search and rescue zone in the Mediterranean Sea—the deadliest migrant shipwreck in recent history. Our digital reconstruction of the boat and mapping of its trajectory reveal inconsistencies in the Hellenic Coast Guard’s (HCG) account and indicate that over 600 people drowned as the result of a failed towing by the HCG.

I.94  Executions and Mass Graves in Tantura, 23 May 1948

Date of Incident

22 May 1948


Tantura, Palestine


Legal Process, Media

Commissioned By

Adalah Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights
Our investigation reveals new evidence about massacres conducted in the Palestinian village of Tantura by Israeli forces after its occupation on 22-23 May 1948 and subsequent depopulation. Launched on the 75th anniversary of the Nakba, it brings together testimonies and photographic evidence to locate several mass graves in which the victims were buried—including one previously unidentified.

I.88  Restituting Evidence: Genocide and Reparations in German Colonial Namibia

Restituting Evidence: Genocide and Reparations in German Colonial Namibia

Date of Incident

1904 - 1908


Otjozondjupa, Omaheke, and Khomas, Namibia



In Partnership With

The Ovaherero/Ovambanderu Genocide Foundation (OGF), Forensis
From 1904–1908, Germany committed genocide against the Herero, Mbanderu and Nama peoples in their colony of ‘South-West Africa’ (present-day Namibia). FA/Forensis partnered with genocide activists from descendant communities to begin to produce a body of digital evidence that can be leveraged in support of demands for land restitution and reparations.

I.76  Dispossession and The Memory of the Earth: Land Dispossession in Nueva Colonia

Dispossession and The Memory of the Earth: Land Dispossession in Nueva Colonia

Date of Incident

1960s to the present day


Nueva Colonia, Urabá Antioqueño, Colombia


Legal Process, Exhibition, Human Rights Report, Truth Commission, Web Platform

Commissioned By

The Commission for the Clarification of Truth, Coexistence and Non-Repetition of Colombia
This investigation shows how the dispossession of campesino farmers in the Urabá Antioqueño region of Nueva Colonia was achieved by a combination of physical violence, environmental transformations and legal means.

I.75  The Black Boxes of Disappearance: Enforced Disappearance in the Siege of the Palace of Justice

The Black Boxes of Disappearance: Enforced Disappearance in the Siege of the Palace of Justice

Date of Incident

6 Nov 1985 - 7 Nov 1985


Bogotá, Colombia


Legal Process, Exhibition, Media, Truth Commission, Web Platform

Commissioned By

The Commission for the Clarification of Truth, Coexistence and Non-Repetition of Colombia
Our investigation examines the actions of the Colombian security forces in the aftermath of the 1985 siege of the Palace of Justice that resulted in the enforced disappearance of cafeteria workers, students, visitors, guerrillas, and judges.

I.62  Pushbacks Across the Evros/Meriç River: Situated Testimony

Pushbacks Across the Evros/Meriç River: Situated Testimony

Date of Incident

1 Oct 2016


Evros/Meriç river, Greek-Turkish border


Legal Process, Human Rights Report, Media

In Partnership With

At Europe’s southeastern river border, migrants report being beaten, detained, and illegally ‘pushed back’ to Turkey from Greece by unidentified masked men. Greek and EU authorities refuse to investigate. We used architectural and gaming software to gather evidence that proves the practice is widespread and systematic.

I.53  The Beating of Faisal al-Natsheh

The Beating of Faisal al-Natsheh

Date of Incident

28 Feb 2014


Occupied Hebron, Palestine


Exhibition, Media

In Partnership With

Breaking the Silence
In 2017, an Israeli soldier, now member of the NGO Breaking the Silence, confessed to have gravely beaten a Palestinian man. Following the Israeli state attempts to discount the account, we built a VR tool to collect and cross-reference testimony from the soldier and other witnesses.

I.47  The Killing of Harith Augustus

The Killing of Harith Augustus

Date of Incident

14 Jul 2018


South Shore, Chicago



In Partnership With

Invisible Institute
When police shot Harith Augustus to death not far from his South Shore barbershop, the Chicago police called it a legitimate 'split-second' decision. We unpacked that split second at six different time scales, from milliseconds to years. Our investigation uncovered multiple violations by Chicago police, including, not for the first time, withholding critical video evidence from the public.

I.37  Torture and Detention in Burundi

Torture and Detention in Burundi

Date of Incident

1 Dec 2016


Bujumbura, Burundi



Commissioned By

BBC Africa Eye
A video posted to social media shows what looks like blood pouring from the drains of an unremarkable suburban house in Burundi’s capital. What was going on behind its walls? Employing our techniques of situated testimony, and collaborating with investigative reporters, we sought to find out.

I.30  The Grenfell Tower Fire

The Grenfell Tower Fire

Date of Incident

14 Jun 2017


London, UK



Commissioned By

The Grenfell Tower fire was unprecedented in UK history—not least because of the scale of publicly available information about the night. We are building an interactive platform that will synthesise that information to create the most comprehensive account of what exactly happened that night.

I.18  Torture in Saydnaya Prison

Torture in Saydnaya Prison

Date of Incident

1 Jan 2011 - Ongoing


Saydnaya, Syria


Legal Process, Exhibition, Media, Web Platform

Commissioned By

Amnesty International
Since the start of the Syrian Civil War, thousands of Syrians have been detained, tortured and executed at the notorious Saydnaya Prison. Using architectural and acoustic modelling, we worked with five survivors to rebuild the prison and explore their memories of life and death inside its walls.

I.9  Drone Strike in Mir Ali

Drone Strike in Mir Ali

Date of Incident

4 Oct 2010


Mir Ali, Pakistan


United Nations, Exhibition

Commissioned By

UN Special Rapporteur on Counter Terrorism and Human Rights
A drone strike killed five people in their home. One woman and her infant son survived. We reconstructed the home and investigated aspects of the strike and its aftermath, using digital models to unlock new memories in the witness.

Situated Testimony

Situated Testimony is a technique of interviewing developed by Forensic Architecture over the course of half a dozen projects, throughout our history.

Situated testimony uses 3D models of the scenes and environments in which traumatic events occurred, to aid in the process of interviewing and gathering testimony from witnesses to those events. Memories of traumatic or violent episodes can often be elusive, or distorted, but we have found that the use of digital architectural models has a productive effect on a witness’s recollection.

Together with an architectural researcher, a witness is filmed reconstructing the scene of an event, exploring and accessing their memories of the episode in a controlled and secure manner.