Hannah Meszaros Martin is an artist, filmmaker and writer. She holds a PhD from the Center for Research Architecture, Goldsmiths, University of London. She co-directs the Plano Negativo Studio in Colombia and is part of the Latin American Network of Forensic and Visual Investigations. With FA, she led the two-year investigation with the Colombian Truth Commission which culminated in the exhibition ‘Huellas de desaparición’ which is currently touring Colombia.
Currently, she is a Postdoc in the ‘Expanding the Social World Downwards’ NSF Project at USC. She has exhibited at the House of World Cultures (Berlin, 2014), MACBA (Barcelona, 2017) and MUAC (Mexico City, 2017), the Center for Contemporary Art at Ujazdowski Castle (Warsaw, 2019), documenta(13), and Manifesta(13). She has published with the Journal of Political Ecology, Journal of Visual Cultures, Open Democracy, Third Text, Different Skies, and FORENSIS (Sternberg Press, 2014).