Júlia Nueno Guitart is a researcher and computational designer. Her work explores the intersection of digital infrastructures and resistant, emerging, and disappearing communities. At Forensic Architecture she supports the computation unit both in the development of research tools and in the investigation of violence through information systems. She is a PhD candidate at the Centre for Research Architecture with a Forensic Architecture Open Verification Fellowship. Her PhD, entitled The Cloud of War, researches the pervasiveness of targeting technologies, taking as a starting point the integration of AI systems by the Israeli military and exploring its reverberations across other contexts. The project develops a methodology to interrogate computational systems through their spatial evidence, media circulation and in the continuous recombination of people’s experiences and practices eluding their harm. She holds a master’s degree with distinction from the Centre of Research Architecture at Goldsmiths; and a BA in Energy Engineering with distinction from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.
Júlia is the recipient of the Forensic Architecture: Open Verification (FAOV) PhD Fellowship 2023.