“Where the Drones Strike,” a project by Forensic Architecture and the Bureau of Investigative Journalism is the 4th Annual Bronze Lovie Award Winner in the category Website: News.
The project was selected by the expert members of the International Academy of Digital Arts & Sciences (IADAS) out of nearly 1,500 entries submitted from across 30 countries in Europe. Though there was no gold winner, Vice News won a Silver award, and Wired Italia is a fellow winner of a Bronze.
“Where the Drones Strike,” a project by Forensic Architecture and the Bureau of Investigative Journalism is the 4th Annual Bronze Lovie Award Winner in the category Website: News.
The project was selected by the expert members of the International Academy of Digital Arts & Sciences (IADAS) out of nearly 1,500 entries submitted from across 30 countries in Europe. Though there was no gold winner, Vice News won a Silver award, and Wired Italia is a fellow winner of a Bronze.