Directed by Charles Heller and Lorenzo Pezzani, 17 min, 2014
Produced by Forensic Oceanography, Liquid Traces reconstructs the “left-to-die boat” case, in which 72 migrants were left to drift for 14 days in NATO’s maritime surveillance area at the height of the 2011 war on Libya.
The initial report on the “left-to-die boat” has been the basis for several legal cases against the states involved in the military operations.
The Liquid Traces video was 1st shown within the “Forensis” exhibition at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), Berlin, in March 2014.
Future screenings:
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Directed by Charles Heller and Lorenzo Pezzani, 17 min, 2014
Produced by Forensic Oceanography, Liquid Traces reconstructs the “left-to-die boat” case, in which 72 migrants were left to drift for 14 days in NATO’s maritime surveillance area at the height of the 2011 war on Libya.
The initial report on the “left-to-die boat” has been the basis for several legal cases against the states involved in the military operations.
The Liquid Traces video was 1st shown within the “Forensis” exhibition at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), Berlin, in March 2014.
Future screenings:
Further information or to organise screenings:,