In an attempt to pin down the comprehensive theme, BIO 26| Common Knowledge adopted the data–information–knowledge–wisdom (DIKW) Knowledge Hierarchy diagram. The DIKW system will be used as a base to structure the central exhibition, commissions, catalog and public programs at BIO 26| Common Knowledge. The central exhibition and accompanying catalog, which will be released as a magazine of 5 issues, will be divided into five thematic chapters: the four components of the pyramid diagram -data, information, knowledge, and wisdom- and one introductory chapter dedicated solely to the ‘information crisis’ as a whole.
Visit exhibition website for more infoIn an attempt to pin down the comprehensive theme, BIO 26| Common Knowledge adopted the data–information–knowledge–wisdom (DIKW) Knowledge Hierarchy diagram. The DIKW system will be used as a base to structure the central exhibition, commissions, catalog and public programs at BIO 26| Common Knowledge. The central exhibition and accompanying catalog, which will be released as a magazine of 5 issues, will be divided into five thematic chapters: the four components of the pyramid diagram -data, information, knowledge, and wisdom- and one introductory chapter dedicated solely to the ‘information crisis’ as a whole.
Visit exhibition website for more info