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Past Events


Eyal Weizman on Colonialism as Climate Change

28 Jan 2020

The Architectural Association, London

On Tuesday 28 January at 19:30, Eyal Weizman will present a lecture exploring the relations among colonial history, contemporary conflicts, and climate change.

The talk examines a number of cases on environmental issues that Forensic Architecture has undertaken on the subject in recent years. He takes as his point of departure the growing number of conflicts that unfold in relation to climatic and environmental transformations. On a global scale, some of these conflicts take place along environmental threshold conditions (‘conflict shorelines’), the edges of forests and deserts, in which climate transformations aggravate existing political tensions. Weizman argues that these conflict shorelines are not simply determined by climatic factors. In this talk he exposes the deeply complex historical and natural processes at play, bringing together political developments, urban transformations, colonial histories, and patterns of city growth and migration in relation to changing climatic conditions.

This event is free and open to all.

Visit event website for more info

Eyal Weizman on Colonialism as Climate Change

28 Jan 2020

The Architectural Association, London

On Tuesday 28 January at 19:30, Eyal Weizman will present a lecture exploring the relations among colonial history, contemporary conflicts, and climate change.

The talk examines a number of cases on environmental issues that Forensic Architecture has undertaken on the subject in recent years. He takes as his point of departure the growing number of conflicts that unfold in relation to climatic and environmental transformations. On a global scale, some of these conflicts take place along environmental threshold conditions (‘conflict shorelines’), the edges of forests and deserts, in which climate transformations aggravate existing political tensions. Weizman argues that these conflict shorelines are not simply determined by climatic factors. In this talk he exposes the deeply complex historical and natural processes at play, bringing together political developments, urban transformations, colonial histories, and patterns of city growth and migration in relation to changing climatic conditions.

This event is free and open to all.

Visit event website for more info