The main reflection and starting point of this exhibition are the ways in which visual archives are produced, circulated, classified, and stored, or reinterpreted and reproduced by individuals, communities, or institutions in different historical contexts. In this exhibition, works of art are “read” as visual evidence, correlated and re-archived, thereby testing their interpretative boundaries between the private and the public realms These works – images, documents, or archives – deal with social relationships and transformations over time, their construction and landscaping, their living experience and its connection to history and memory, the notion of meta-truth and the role of technology in its construction and dissemination, or concepts such as family and death. Reflecting on the taking of an image and the process of sequencing images into pre-meaning actions, this report discusses the corresponding social and political practices of “data” archives and how they make our lives meaningful.
Visit exhibition website for more infoThe main reflection and starting point of this exhibition are the ways in which visual archives are produced, circulated, classified, and stored, or reinterpreted and reproduced by individuals, communities, or institutions in different historical contexts. In this exhibition, works of art are “read” as visual evidence, correlated and re-archived, thereby testing their interpretative boundaries between the private and the public realms These works – images, documents, or archives – deal with social relationships and transformations over time, their construction and landscaping, their living experience and its connection to history and memory, the notion of meta-truth and the role of technology in its construction and dissemination, or concepts such as family and death. Reflecting on the taking of an image and the process of sequencing images into pre-meaning actions, this report discusses the corresponding social and political practices of “data” archives and how they make our lives meaningful.
Visit exhibition website for more info