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Today is 21 February

Past Events


Information Superpower at Graphic Matters

20 Sep 2019 - 27 Oct 2019

Stokvishallen, Breda, Netherlands

Nowadays information appears in many different ways. We read less and less and want to understand our complex world as quickly as possible. Both good and evil powers use informative visuals to manipulate our thoughts.

Automatically generated graphs and bar charts will no longer cut it. Together with coders, journalists and researchers, designers are developing new ways to visualise mountains of data and complex systems.

Visit exhibition website for more info

Information Superpower at Graphic Matters

20 Sep 2019 - 27 Oct 2019

Stokvishallen, Breda, Netherlands

Nowadays information appears in many different ways. We read less and less and want to understand our complex world as quickly as possible. Both good and evil powers use informative visuals to manipulate our thoughts.

Automatically generated graphs and bar charts will no longer cut it. Together with coders, journalists and researchers, designers are developing new ways to visualise mountains of data and complex systems.

Visit exhibition website for more info