Under the title SPACE IS THE PLACE the upcoming exhibition cycle 2018-2019 at BNKR, Munich conceived by Berlin-based curator Lukas Feireiss is dedicated to the artistic exploration of space.
The upcoming exhibition cycle SPACE IS THE PLACE starts with the group exhibition “Thresholds. Limits of Space”. Based on Bruce Nauman’s seminal work “Body Pressure” (1974) which provides a set of typed out instructions for merging their bodies with an architectural surface, the exhibition explores the corporal-spatial unit of critically experiencing space through the works of different generations of artists.
Under the title SPACE IS THE PLACE the upcoming exhibition cycle 2018-2019 at BNKR, Munich conceived by Berlin-based curator Lukas Feireiss is dedicated to the artistic exploration of space.
The upcoming exhibition cycle SPACE IS THE PLACE starts with the group exhibition “Thresholds. Limits of Space”. Based on Bruce Nauman’s seminal work “Body Pressure” (1974) which provides a set of typed out instructions for merging their bodies with an architectural surface, the exhibition explores the corporal-spatial unit of critically experiencing space through the works of different generations of artists.