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Today is 27 March

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Past Events


Conspiracy of the Real

03 May 2018, 5:30 pm

Tenderpixel Gallery, London, UK

This day-long event, organised by Goldsmiths MFA Fine Art students and hosted by Tenderpixel, sets out to consider how the arrival of Post-Truth is indicative of the current media-political situation through an exhibition, performance, screenings and invited speakers. How is Post-Truth different from historical forms of propaganda and what is the role of technology, specifically the dissemination and production of data, in this shift? How might artists respond to a context in which our trust in politics has become contaminated through algorithmic targeting, ‘false speech’ and ‘fake news’? How can artists address the formulation of misinformation through their practices and our current technologies?

The information mining of big data by corporations and governments is concurrent with a significant shift in modes of art practice in probing what is represented, known, disputed or proved.* The exhibition pursues a similar line of enquiry by drawing attention to the processes behind representation and the systems of influence. These artists explore the changing relationship between fact and fiction through a lens of reflexivity, examining not only mediated realities but also the very tools of mediation.


Conspiracy of the Real

03 May 2018, 5:30 pm

Tenderpixel Gallery, London, UK

This day-long event, organised by Goldsmiths MFA Fine Art students and hosted by Tenderpixel, sets out to consider how the arrival of Post-Truth is indicative of the current media-political situation through an exhibition, performance, screenings and invited speakers. How is Post-Truth different from historical forms of propaganda and what is the role of technology, specifically the dissemination and production of data, in this shift? How might artists respond to a context in which our trust in politics has become contaminated through algorithmic targeting, ‘false speech’ and ‘fake news’? How can artists address the formulation of misinformation through their practices and our current technologies?

The information mining of big data by corporations and governments is concurrent with a significant shift in modes of art practice in probing what is represented, known, disputed or proved.* The exhibition pursues a similar line of enquiry by drawing attention to the processes behind representation and the systems of influence. These artists explore the changing relationship between fact and fiction through a lens of reflexivity, examining not only mediated realities but also the very tools of mediation.